Monday, July 27, 2009

Research on Artist Portfolios - Eric Kubli

I choose my friend Eric Kubli's web portfolio because after looking at many other portfolios, Eric's really stuck out and grabbed my attention. And when I say it grabbed my attention, I mean that it grabbed my attention in all the right ways. To start out, everything on his site was working properly, all his images opened, everything was organized in an easy way to read and to locate things, and was really nicely done. Finding my way around the site was very easy, where as other sites didn't always work, things didn't always load, and I ended up in weird places and couldn't navigate back.  Also, Eric's site was very visually pleasing as well. It was very simple, but in a good way. It wasn't cluttered or too busy, it was excellently simple and too the point. Like when you hold the mouse over the tabs at the top, the little person on the left, that is a cartoony drawing of Eric, changes into different poses, or into different cloths or props. I just really like the way that he did that because it makes the web portfolio more personalized, and less generic. Over all, I think everything is really great... everything works, he has many examples of his work, he has works from other studio areas, he has a little information about himself and it's not too much, and he has his resume/ his contact information. Everything fits together and nothing seems out of place. I think this is a very successful web portfolio!

(the picture to the left is taken from Eric's web portfolio)

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Research on Sculptures - Alberto Giacometti

The following work from Alberto Giacometti is very unique. I like how the figures are some what simple.
and yet it seems like there is more to them, like some kind of hidden meaning.
I'm not sure why, but I really like how the feet of these figures are kind of attached to
the ground. It makes me think that these figures are trying to go somewhere, and yet
they can't because they are attached, or weighted down by something and
can't go where they want. And for some reason, these figures give me the feeling of aliens
or something. The figures look human, but yet they also seem not that human.
I think I like them more because of the not-human feeling that they have.

Research on Sculptures - Louise Bourgeoise

I think that this sculpture is kind of funny. I mean more that it has humor... when I saw it I smirked right away. Which I like because, I enjoy the humor in all sorts of things. But I really like how the figures are enough life like, and yet seem playful and cartoony. I also like the expressions on the figures faces, I like how they all look so happy. Happy even though this situation seems kind of strange, but I think their expressions give the piece more of a feeling of light heartedness maybe?

I also like that sculpture at the top because it seems kind of unexpected. I like how it's something that usually is pretty tiny, and yet she takes it and makes it strangely large.  I like that it's simple, and unusual... in a good way.

Research for Sculpture - Mark Di Suvero

Mark Di Suvero has a very interesting style in my opinion. He uses very straight and sharp edges. I like that he sticks being sharp rather than having different curvy shapes as well.
I like the way that the work catches your eye and really takes you through the whole thing, my eyes really flow over the whole piece rather than just parts.
I think that I like his work because it reminds me of the one art work that is in front of the new addition of the Toledo Art Museum. When I was little I took a lot of art classes there,
and when my mom dropped me off, we always drove by this one sculpture, and I always liked it because it looked like a fancy playground. I don't think that the sculpture I'm thinking of is from Di Suvero,
but it remind me of it. And it's interesting to remember what I thought about it when I was little, to my thoughts on it now.

Research on Sculptures - Henry Moore

After looking at many images of Henry Moore's, I see a lot of the same shapes and motion through out his work. I really like the way that his sculpture have a lot of movement and feeling to them. He also uses negatives spaces to support the actual sculpture, which I think is an excellent way of using the area and space around the piece. I also like how his work is pretty abstract and yet you still know what it is. I like abstract art, but I'm not a big fan of abstract art when you have no idea at all what it is. But Moore's work is has a good amount of being abstract, and being some what realistic.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

video art quiz

1)Name an Early artist mentioned in the article for CONCEPTUAL WORK performing in front of the camera.
Describe a work. (2 points)

Les Levine... He did a piece where he went and video taped homeless people in a part of New York City.

2)Name an artist mentioned who deals with PERSONAL NARRATIVE. Describe a work. (2 points)
Bill Viola... The article said that he did a lot of work with single-channels, and also worked with
"technical mistakes" in his piece called Information. With that he could control a bunch of images.

3)Describe the piece you were most interested in viewing after reading this article. Look the work
up on the links, and expand on Rush's comments. (2 points)

I'd have to say that after reading this article, I was interested in seeing the work from the people from
the 1990's, especially after reading the description of Cheryl Donegan's "Head". It sounded very strange, and
I wanted to look for it right away. After I found it and watched, it was just very weird. I guess I didn't
really understand why she did this or anything, besides that she using this as a metaphor and pretty much
showing sex acts without showing sex. Atleast I think that's what she was going for.

4)What do you better understand now about Video Art? (2 points)
I think that people use video art as just an expansion of regular art, and by this I mean that I think using
video art is a way of showing what you're trying to get across, just in more detail.
An image can say a lot, but sometimes it can't say everything that you need or what it to, and because of
that I think that's where video art comes in.

5)Based on Rush and this article, what makes Video Art vs. an "artful video"? (2 points)
I think artful videos are just things that look nice sometimes and didn't have a meaning of any kind. Video
art has a meaning, someone wanted to say or show something. I think that sometimes there might be a blurred
line between the two, but I think there are some videos that are/ should be considered video art because of the concept.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009